Book Cover Designer, Hobbyist Photographer, Daydreamer
Joanne is based in a cloudy town within Suffolk, UK where she is concocting her next design project while lamenting about the weather.
With a primary interest in cover design, she strives to become an in-house designer in publishing. This goal has become feasible after securing places on Creative Access’s mentorship programme with Penguin Random House, and HarperCollins Design Academy. She has also been on portfolio initiatives through Faber and Penguin. As of now, she is enjoying adding more skills to her repertoire by volunteering for editorial projects, freelancing as a Book Cover Designer and seeking advice through DPI mentor, Jon Gray.
Penguin Books UKOctopus Books
2024 // The Cherry School: Pathways into Publishing
2023 // HarperCollins Design Academy: Design for Publishing
2021 // The Onespacemedia Award for Social Design
2018 // Anna Airy Key Arts Award
2018 // Anna Airy Innovation Award
Anna Airy Exhibition
ARU BA Graphic Design Student Feature 2021-2023
Present Showcase