Specialising in book cover design in fiction, nonfiction
and special editions.

Email me at jokayfu@gmail.com for collaboration or
work enquiries!

Joanne Fu

Specialising in book cover design and vector styles

Email me at jokayfu@gmail.com for collaboration or bookish work enquiries!

Uni Projects
About Me


Illumicrate ‘Book Pot’

A design task from Illumicrate to design an exclusive merchandise book pot under the theme of Posioncraft. It had to be a vector design, use gold foil and be set on a working InDesign file ready for print. I did the vector designs in Illustrator with the goal of creating a herbology tome using Art Nouveau-like plant and insect patterns.

Existing Book Pot Examples

These designs were created by @ChattyNora AKA Jane Tibbetts, and were main inspirations for my own layout.

Development and Alternate Colour Schemes

Other colour variations I tried out based on the title and theme of the book pot. I love the different moods they create while still keeping to the earthy, witchy tones.