Specialising in book cover design in fiction, nonfiction
and special editions.

Email me at jokayfu@gmail.com for collaboration or
work enquiries!

Joanne Fu

Specialising in book cover design and vector styles

Email me at jokayfu@gmail.com for collaboration or bookish work enquiries!

Uni Projects
About Me


Final Major Projects

I focused on editorial design for my final major projects (Anglia Ruskin University) because layout and hierarchy fascinated me. The thought of being able to manipulate them and test out the unconventional was thrilling.

Rare Sight

A visual booklet recreating simulations of rare visual impairments. Using scientific research, I manipulated images to represent these visual disabilities with first-hand accounts of my own experience with Alice in Wonderland Syndrome. The layouts would reflect the random episodes the impairments happened at. The project won me the 2021 Onespacemedia Award for Social Design.

New Year

This project introduces and hopes to promote four designers of Chinese descent in the UK to the wider public. With a stigma in the Asian community on pursuing creative degrees, this book will hopefully act as the validation for people to act on their own future. This project also made me think more about white space and creative editorial layouts.